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Adoption Assistance and Subsidies

Answers and resources to help pre-adoptive families

People who are interested in adopting are often worried about their ability to come up with the necessary funds for the adoption process. They may also wonder how they can afford the services required for a child with known medical, developmental, or other needs.

Adoption subsidies are now recognized as a critical support for maintaining permanency for some of the country’s most vulnerable children. These benefits are available to most children adopted in the U.S. from foster care and children with special needs adopted privately. In most cases, the benefits are available until the child reaches adulthood.

What Expenses Does an Adoption Subsidy Cover?

There are different types of adoption assistance that families may receive. Children can qualify for state or federal subsidies, and each state has discretion regarding the eligibility criteria and benefits they offer.

The Top Five Mistakes People Make When Applying for Adoption Assistance

Avoid these common mistakes and pitfalls to ensure your family receives the full benefit of adoption subsidy that your child is eligible for.


How to Know If You Qualify for Adoption Assistance (Subsidy)

The vast majority of children who are placed for adoption from foster care are eligible for an adoption subsidy/assistance. It is also possible that a child who is not in the foster care system (sometimes referred to as “non-ward” children) will qualify based on their situation.

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Additional Resources

The Adoptive Parent's Guide to Adoption Assistance and Subsidies

This issue of the Adoption Advocate provides essential information and answers to frequently asked questions about adoption subsidies.

Adoption Subsidies 101: Understanding Federal and State Adoption Assistance

This webinar offers a general overview of adoption assistance and subsidies at the Federal and State level with a discussion of interstate issues, eligibility concerns, common mistakes, and the process for applying for non-ward subsidies.

Adoption Affordability

With proper financial planning, adoption can be an affordable option for many families. We've curated a variety of resources to help you overcome the financial challenges of the adoption process.

Considering Adoption?

There is a lot to learn and understand about adoption before you make this life-changing decision.
Use our free resources below to get started.

Adoption 101

A visual overview of the basics of the adoption process


Adoption 101: An overview of the basics of adoption and how to be prepared for adoption.

Types of Adoption

A detailed look at the different types of adoption including answers to frequently asked questions.