Allison Cooke Douglas, M.S.
Allison Cooke Douglas, M.S. is the Resource Center Program Manager at Harmony Family Center in Knoxville, TN. She has been teaching for over two decades; starting her career as a Montessori trained early childhood educator. After seeing a need for robust, trauma informed education for foster families, Allison become the lead Parents as Tender Healers (PATH) training specialist in Knox County, TN facilitating classes for prospective foster parents. She has held a variety of positions in state and regional Foster and Adoption Care Advocacy groups, served as a team member on a Breakthrough Series Collaborative project focusing on trauma assessment and treatment for children under 4 and is a trainer for Tennessee’s Building Strong Brains: ACEs Initiative. Allison is certified in Phases I and II of The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics, as well as in the Neurosequential Model in Education. She is currently a fellow in the Napa Infant-Parent & Early Childhood Mental Health Fellowship at U.C. Davis. She and her husband Jonathan are grateful to share their lives with their four children, adopted via foster care.
Written by Allison:
Meeting Children Where They Are: The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics