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Navigating Adoptions with Children Already in the Family (for Parents)

This course prepares parents with children already in the home with the knowledge and tools necessary to successfully navigate their adoption journey. The presentation provides parents with practical strategies to prepare their children and themselves for the arrival of a new family member through adoption and will address the unique dynamics and challenges that come along with this. The speaker also explores effective communication techniques to engage existing children in discussions about adoption, and provides valuable tips on age-appropriate communication, addressing fears and insecurities, and fostering harmonious sibling relationships.

Jana Hunsley, PhD, LCSW – Founder and Executive Director, Project 1025, LLC.
Ryan Hanlon, PhD, LMSW – President and CEO, National Council For Adoption

Course length: 90 minutes

Cost to register: $20
If you are a NCFA member, look for your discount code in the membership portal.

Recorded on 8/29/23.

PLEASE NOTE – This course does NOT provide social work CE credits. If you are an adoption professional seeking Social Work CE credit for this course, please register for this webinar here instead:

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