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Grief and Loss in Adoption: Helping Children Process Their Pre-Adoption History

Children that enter their families through adoption experience unique loss. Through this course, attendees learn about the factors that influence children’s reaction to loss, the four psychological tasks of grief work, the healing therapies for children and teens and critical aspects of loss in foster care and adoption and how those losses impact children. Attendees also learn effective interventions for opening communication with children and strengthening transitions and attachment to new families. Discussion also includes how professionals can work with parents to understand how their children are experiencing the ambiguities of grief and loss related to adoption.

Mari Itzkowitz, LCSW – Training Specialist, Center for Adoption Support and Education

Course length: 60 minutes

After attending this course, professionals will be able to:
• Analyze and apply the unique issues of loss in foster care and adoption.
• Identify factors which influence a child’s reaction to loss.
• Summarize the four psychological tasks of grief work.
• Evaluate effective strategies to help children grieve and embrace loss.

Course level: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced

Cost to register: $15
If you are a NCFA member, look for your discount code in the membership portal.

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