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National Training and Development Curriculum

For Foster and Adoptive Parents

National Training and Development Curriculum logo in color

The National Training and Development Curriculum (NTDC) is based on research and input from experts; families who have experience with fostering or adopting children; and former foster and adoptive youth, including adult adoptees. 

From the beginning, the material was made to be relevant for private domestic and intercountry adoption, and can even be used to meet many of the federal requirements for Hague-compliant adoptions. 

It provides potential adoptive parents with the information and tools needed to parent a child who has experienced trauma, separation, and loss. It is a state-of-the-art classroom and online program that helps to prepare prospective adoptive parents to be successful parents. 

In addition, the NTDC gives parents access to information and resources needed to continue building skills once they have a child in their home. This curriculum and the accompanying resources are FREE for agencies and their families.

A Curriculum for Foster, Adoptive and Kinship Families

Intercountry and Private Domestic Adoption Focus

Informed by parents, adoptees, and professionals. Over 17 unique themes to choose from.

NTDC provides robust education for families who adopt children through intercountry and private domestic processes to support family and child well-being.

Key Messages

NTDC Curriculum has three components:  Self-Assessment, Classroom-Based Training, and Right-Time Training – all designed to equip families to gain and retain knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to effectively parent children who have experienced trauma, separation, and loss.

What Families Think of NTDC

"This training answered more questions than any other one. Thank you!"

"I liked the interactive aspect of the training. We were not just being lectured at. We were part of the presentation and we are encouraged to participate."

"This is so important and I’m glad we’re receiving this training! I found talking about examples and how we would handle the situation was very helpful."

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This work was funded by the Children's Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, under grant #90CO1134. The contents of this work are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Children's Bureau.