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Gold Sponsor

  • Recognition as a sponsor of one all-conference plenary session
  • Five minutes of speaking time or video at your sponsored plenary, with placement of a print item on all seats
  • Premium recognition via conference signage, website, mobile app, attendee emails, social media posts, press releases/media alerts, and print program
  • Full-page ad in print program
  • One digital ad placement in This Month in Adoption
  • Complimentary exhibit booth (optional) and four free conference attendee registrations

Silver Sponsor

  • Recognition as a sponsor of one of the following: all-conference lunch (2 available) or invite-only Directors Dinner (2 available)
  • Placement of a print item on all seats or tables at your sponsored event
  • Recognition via signage, website, mobile app, attendee emails, social media posts, press releases/media alerts, and print program
  • Half-page ad in print program
  • Complimentary exhibit booth and three free conference attendee registrations

Bronze Sponsor

  • Recognition as a sponsor of one of the following: all-conference breakfast (4 available); all-conference snack break (4 available); branded tote bag for all attendees SOLD OUT; print program with increase to full-page ad SOLD OUT;
  • Recognition via signage, website, mobile app, attendee emails, social media posts, press releases/media alerts, and print program
  • Quarter-page ad in print program
  • Complimentary exhibit booth and two free conference attendee registrations

Copper Sponsor

  • Recognition via signage, website, mobile app, attendee emails, social media posts, press releases/media alerts, and print program
  • Quarter-page ad in the conference print program
  • Complimentary exhibit booth and one free conference attendee registration

Conference Exhibitor

  • Six-foot table and booth space in the conference exhibit hall and one complimentary registration to staff the table, including plenary and breakout sessions, conference meals, and welcome reception
  • Discounted registration fee of $450 for one additional attendee from your organization
  • Recognition via conference website, mobile app, social media posts, and print program


Contact Amy Wolfe, Director of Operations, at